Source code for pycldf.orm

Object oriented (read-only) access to CLDF data

To read ORM objects from a `pycldf.Dataset`, there are two generic methods:

* :meth:`pycldf.Dataset.objects`
* :meth:`pycldf.Dataset.get_object`

Both will return default implementations of the objects, i.e. instances of the corresponding
class defined in this module. To customize these objects,

1. subclass the default and specify \
   the appropriate component (i.e. the table of the CLDF dataset which holds rows to be transformed\
   to this type):

   .. code-block:: python

      from pycldf.orm import Language

      class Variety(Language):
          __component__ = 'LanguageTable'

          def custom_method(self):

2. pass the class into the `objects` or `get_object` method.

In addition, module-specific subclasses of :class:`pycldf.Dataset` provide more meaningful
properties and methods, as shortcuts to the methods above. See
`<./dataset.html#subclasses-supporting-specific-cldf-modules>`_ for details.

* We only support foreign key constraints for CLDF reference properties targeting either a \
  component's CLDF id or its primary key. This is because CSVW does not support unique constraints \
  other than the one implied by the primary key declaration.
* This functionality comes with the typical "more convenient API vs. less performance and bigger \
  memory footprint" trade-off. If you are running into problems with this, you might want to load \
  your data into a SQLite db using the `pycldf.db` module, and access via SQL. \
  Some numbers (to be interpreted relative to each other): \
  Reading ~400,000 rows from a ValueTable of a StructureDataset takes

  * ~2secs with csvcut, i.e. only making sure it's valid CSV
  * ~15secs iterating over ``pycldf.Dataset['ValueTable']``
  * ~35secs iterating over ``pycldf.Dataset.objects('ValueTable')``
import types
import typing
import decimal
import functools
import collections

import csvw.metadata
from tabulate import tabulate

from pycldf.terms import TERMS, term_uri
from pycldf.util import DictTuple
from pycldf.sources import Reference

if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
    from pycldf import Dataset  # pragma: no cover
    from import File  # pragma: no cover

def to_json(s):
    if isinstance(s, (list, tuple)):
        return [to_json(ss) for ss in s]
    if isinstance(s, dict):
        return {k: to_json(v) for k, v in s.items()}
    if isinstance(s, decimal.Decimal):
        return float(s)
    if s is None:
        return None
    if isinstance(s, (str, int, float, bool)):
        return s
    return str(s)

[docs]class Object: """ Represents a row of a CLDF component table. Subclasses of `Object` are instantiated when calling `Dataset.objects` or `Dataset.get_object`. :ivar dataset: Reference to the `Dataset` instance, this object was loaded from. :ivar data: An `OrderedDict` with a copy of the row the object was instantiated with. :ivar cldf: A `dict` with CLDF-specified properties of the row, keyed with CLDF terms. :ivar id: The value of the CLDF id property of the row. :ivar name: The value of the CLDF name property of the row. :ivar description: The value of the CLDF description property of the row. :ivar pk: The value of the column specified as primary key for the table. (May differ from id) """ # If a subclass name can not be used to derive the CLDF component name, the component can be # specified here: __component__ = None def __init__(self, dataset: 'Dataset', row: dict): # Get a mapping of column names to pairs (CLDF property name, list-valued) for columns # present in the component specified by class name. cldf_cols = { v[0]: (k, v[1]) for k, v in vars(getattr(dataset.readonly_column_names, self.component)).items() if v} self._listvalued = set(v[0] for v in cldf_cols.values() if v[1]) self.cldf = {} = collections.OrderedDict() for k, v in row.items(): # We go through the items of the row and slot them into the appropriate bags:[k] = v if k in cldf_cols: self.cldf[cldf_cols[k][0]] = v # Make cldf properties accessible as attributes: self.cldf = types.SimpleNamespace(**self.cldf) self.dataset = dataset = = None t = dataset[self.component_name()] if t.tableSchema.primaryKey and len(t.tableSchema.primaryKey) == 1: =[dataset[self.component_name()].tableSchema.primaryKey[0]] = getattr(self.cldf, 'name', None) self.description = getattr(self.cldf, 'name', None) def __repr__(self): return '<{}.{} id="{}">'.format(self.__class__.__module__, self.__class__.__name__, @classmethod def component_name(cls) -> str: return cls.__component__ or (cls.__name__ + 'Table') @property def component(self) -> str: """ Name of the CLDF component the object belongs to. Can be used to lookup the corresponding \ table via `obj.dataset[obj.component_name()]`. """ return self.__class__.component_name() @property def key(self) -> typing.Tuple[int, str, str]: return id(self.dataset), self.__class__.__name__, def __hash__(self): return hash(self.key) def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(self, Object): return self.key == other.key return NotImplemented # pragma: no cover def _expand_uritemplate(self, attr, col): """ CSVW cells can specify various URI templates which must be expanded supplying the full row as context. Thus, expansion is available as method on this row object. """ col = self.dataset[self.component, col] variables = {k: v for k, v in vars(self.cldf).items()} variables.update( if getattr(col, attr, None): return getattr(col, attr).expand(**variables)
[docs] def aboutUrl(self, col='id') -> typing.Union[str, None]: """ The table's `aboutUrl` property, expanded with the object's row as context. """ return self._expand_uritemplate('aboutUrl', col)
[docs] def valueUrl(self, col='id') -> typing.Union[str, None]: """ The table's `valueUrl` property, expanded with the object's row as context. """ return self._expand_uritemplate('valueUrl', col)
[docs] def propertyUrl(self, col='id') -> typing.Union[str, None]: """ The table's `propertyUrl` property, expanded with the object's row as context. """ return self._expand_uritemplate('propertyUrl', col)
@functools.cached_property def references(self) -> typing.Tuple[Reference]: """ `pycldf.Reference` instances associated with the object. >>> obj.references[0].source['title'] >>> obj.references[0].fields.title >>> obj.references[0].description # The "context", typically cited pages """ return DictTuple( self.dataset.sources.expand_refs(getattr(self.cldf, 'source', []) or []), key=lambda r:, multi=True, )
[docs] def related(self, relation: str) -> typing.Union[None, 'Object']: """ The CLDF ontology specifies several "reference properties". This method returns the first related object specified by such a property. :param relation: a CLDF reference property name. :return: related `Object` instance. """ if relation in self._listvalued: raise ValueError( '{} is list-valued, use `all_related` to retrieve related objects'.format(relation)) fk = getattr(self.cldf, relation, None) if fk: ref = self.dataset.get_foreign_key_reference(self.component_name(), relation) if ref: if str(ref[1].propertyUrl) == term_uri('id'): return self.dataset.get_object(TERMS[relation].references, fk) if [ref[1].name] == self.dataset[TERMS[relation].references].tableSchema.primaryKey: return self.dataset.get_object(TERMS[relation].references, fk, pk=True) raise NotImplementedError('pycldf does not support foreign key constraints ' 'referencing columns other than CLDF id or primary key.')
class _WithLanguageMixin: @property def language(self): return self.related('languageReference') @property def languages(self): return self.all_related('languageReference') class _WithParameterMixin: @functools.cached_property def parameter(self): return self.related('parameterReference') @property def parameters(self): return self.all_related('parameterReference')
[docs]class Borrowing(Object): @property def targetForm(self): return self.related('targetFormReference') @property def sourceForm(self): return self.related('sourceFormReference')
[docs]class Code(Object, _WithParameterMixin): pass
[docs]class Cognateset(Object): @property def cognates(self): return DictTuple(v for v in self.dataset.objects('CognateTable') if v.cognateset == self)
[docs]class Cognate(Object): @property def form(self): return self.related('formReference') @property def cognateset(self): return self.related('cognatesetReference')
[docs]class Contribution(Object): @property def sentences(self): res = [] if self.dataset.module == 'TextCorpus': # Return the list of lines, ordered by position. for e in self.dataset.objects('ExampleTable'): if e.cldf.contributionReference == if not getattr(e.cldf, 'exampleReference', None): # Not just an alternative translation line. res.append(e) if res and hasattr(res[0].cldf, 'position'): return sorted(res, key=lambda e: getattr(e.cldf, 'position')) return res
[docs]class Entry(Object, _WithLanguageMixin): @property def senses(self): return DictTuple(v for v in self.dataset.objects('SenseTable') if self in v.entries)
[docs]class Example(Object, _WithLanguageMixin): @property def metaLanguage(self): return self.related('metaLanguageReference') @property def igt(self): return '{0}\n{1}\n{2}'.format( self.cldf.primaryText, tabulate([self.cldf.gloss], self.cldf.analyzedWord, tablefmt='plain'), self.cldf.translatedText, ) @property def text(self): """ Examples in a TextCorpus are interpreted as lines of text. """ if self.dataset.module == 'TextCorpus' and hasattr(self.cldf, 'contributionReference'): return self.related('contributionReference') @property def alternative_translations(self): res = [] if hasattr(self.cldf, 'exampleReference'): # There's a self-referential foreign key. We assume this to link together full examples # and alternative translations. for ex in self.dataset.objects('ExampleTable'): if ex.cldf.exampleReference == res.append(ex) return res
[docs]class Form(Object, _WithLanguageMixin, _WithParameterMixin): pass
[docs]class FunctionalEquivalentset(Object): pass
[docs]class FunctionalEquivalent(Object): @property def form(self): # pragma: no cover return self.related('formReference')
[docs]class Language(Object): """ Language objects correspond to rows in a dataset's ``LanguageTable``. Language objects provide easy access to somewhat complex derivatives of the dataset's info on the language, e.g. its speaker area as GeoJSON object. .. code-block:: python >>> from pycldf import Dataset >>> ds = Dataset.from_metadata('tests/data/dataset_with_media/metadata.json') >>> lg = ds.get_object('LanguageTable', '1') >>> lg.speaker_area_as_geojson_feature['geometry']['type'] 'MultiPolygon' """ @property def lonlat(self) -> typing.Union[None, typing.Tuple[decimal.Decimal]]: """ :return: (longitude, latitude) pair if coordinates are defined, else `None`. """ if hasattr(self.cldf, 'latitude'): return (self.cldf.longitude, self.cldf.latitude) @property def as_geojson_feature(self) -> typing.Union[None, typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]]: """ `dict` suitable for serialization as GeoJSON Feature object, with the point coordinate as geographic data. .. seealso:: """ if self.lonlat: return to_json({ "type": "Feature", "geometry": {"type": "Point", "coordinates": self.lonlat}, "properties": vars(self.cldf), }) @functools.cached_property def speaker_area(self) -> typing.Union[None, 'File']: """ A `` object containing information about the speaker area of the language. """ from import File if getattr(self.cldf, 'speakerArea', None): return File.from_dataset(self.dataset, self.related('speakerArea')) @functools.cached_property def speaker_area_as_geojson_feature(self) -> typing.Union[None, typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]]: """ `dict` suitable for serialization as GeoJSON Feature object, with a speaker area Polygon or MultiPolygon as geographic data. .. seealso:: """ if self.speaker_area and self.speaker_area.mimetype.subtype == 'geo+json': res = self.speaker_area.read_json() if res['type'] == 'FeatureCollection': for feature in res['features']: if feature['properties']['cldf:languageReference'] == return feature else: assert res['type'] == 'Feature' return res @property def values(self): return DictTuple(v for v in self.dataset.objects('ValueTable') if self in v.languages) @property def forms(self): return DictTuple(v for v in self.dataset.objects('FormTable') if self in v.languages)
[docs] def glottolog_languoid(self, glottolog_api): """ Get a Glottolog languoid associated with the `Language`. :param glottolog_api: `pyglottolog.Glottolog` instance or `dict` mapping glottocodes to \ `pyglottolog.langoids.Languoid` instances. :return: `pyglottolog.langoids.Languoid` instance or `None`. """ if isinstance(glottolog_api, dict): return glottolog_api.get(self.cldf.glottocode) return glottolog_api.languoid(self.cldf.glottocode)
[docs]class Media(Object): @property def downloadUrl(self): if hasattr(self.cldf, 'downloadUrl'): return self.cldf.downloadUrl return self.valueUrl()
class ParameterNetworkEdge(Object): __component__ = 'ParameterNetwork'
[docs]class Parameter(Object): @functools.cached_property def columnSpec(self): columnSpec = getattr(self.cldf, 'columnSpec', None) if columnSpec: return csvw.metadata.Column.fromvalue(columnSpec) @functools.cached_property def datatype(self): if 'datatype' in \ and self.dataset['ParameterTable', 'datatype'].datatype.base == 'json': if['datatype']: return csvw.metadata.Datatype.fromvalue(['datatype']) @property def codes(self): return DictTuple(v for v in self.dataset.objects('CodeTable') if v.parameter == self) @property def values(self): return DictTuple(v for v in self.dataset.objects('ValueTable') if self in v.parameters) @property def forms(self): return DictTuple(v for v in self.dataset.objects('FormTable') if self in v.parameters)
[docs] def concepticon_conceptset(self, concepticon_api): """ Get a Concepticon conceptset associated with the `Parameter`. :param concepticon_api: `pyconcepticon.Concepticon` instance or `dict` mapping conceptset \ IDs to `pyconcepticon.models.Conceptset` instances. :return: `pyconcepticon.models.Conceptset` instance or `None`. """ if isinstance(concepticon_api, dict): return concepticon_api.get(self.cldf.concepticonReference) return concepticon_api.conceptsets.get(self.cldf.concepticonReference)
[docs]class Sense(Object): @property def entry(self): return self.related('entryReference') @property def entries(self): return self.all_related('entryReference')
class Tree(Object): pass
[docs]class Value(Object, _WithLanguageMixin, _WithParameterMixin): """ Value objects correspond to rows in a dataset's ``ValueTable``. While a Value's string representation is typically available from the ``value`` column, i.e. as ``Value.cldf.value``, The interpretation of this value may be dictated by other metadata. - Categorical data will often describe possible values (aka "codes") using a ``CodeTable``. In this case, the associated ``Code`` object of a ``Value`` is available as ``Value.code``. - Typed data may use a ``columnSpec`` property in ``ParameterTable`` to specify how to read the string value. .. code-block:: python >>> from csvw.metadata import Column >>> from pycldf import StructureDataset >>> cs = Column.fromvalue(dict(datatype=dict(base='integer', maximum=5), separator=' ')) >>> ds = StructureDataset.in_dir('.') >>> ds.add_component('ParameterTable') >>> ds.write( ... ParameterTable=[dict(ID='1', ColumnSpec=cs.asdict())], ... ValueTable=[dict(ID='1', Language_ID='l', Parameter_ID='1', Value='1 2 3')], ... ) >>> v = ds.objects('ValueTable')[0] >>> v.cldf.value '1 2 3' >>> v.typed_value [1, 2, 3] """ @property def typed_value(self): if self.parameter.columnSpec: return if self.parameter.datatype: return return self.cldf.value @property def code(self): return self.related('codeReference') @property def examples(self): return self.all_related('exampleReference')