Source code for pycldf.ext.discovery

This module provides a function (:func:`get_dataset`) implementing dataset discovery.

The scope of discoverable datasets can be extended by plugins, i.e. Python packages which
register additional :class:`DatasetResolver` subclasses using the entry point

`pycldf` itself comes with two resolvers

- :class:`LocalResolver`
- :class:`GenericUrlResolver`

Additional resolvers:

- The `cldfzenodo <>`_ package (>=1.0) provides a dataset
  resolver for DOI URLs pointing to the Zenodo archive.
import typing
import pathlib
import warnings
import functools
import urllib.parse
from importlib.metadata import entry_points

from csvw.utils import is_url

from pycldf import Dataset, iter_datasets, sniff
from pycldf.util import url_without_fragment

__all__ = ['get_dataset', 'DatasetResolver']
EP = 'pycldf_dataset_resolver'

_resolvers = []

[docs]class DatasetResolver: """ Virtual base class for dataset resolvers. :ivar priority: A number between 0 and 10, determining the call order of registered resolvers.\ Resolvers with higher priority will be called earlier. Thus, resolvers specifying a high \ priority should be quick in figuring out whether they apply to a locator. """ priority = 5 def __call__(self, loc: str, download_dir: pathlib.Path) \ -> typing.Union[None, Dataset, pathlib.Path]: """ :param loc: URL pointing to a place where datasets are archived. :param download_dir: A directory to which resolvers can download data. :return: Dataset resolvers may return `None` if they do not apply to `loc`, a `Dataset` \ instance, if a candidate dataset was found, or a local path, pointing to a metadata file or a directory to be searched for metadata files. """ raise NotImplementedError() # pragma: no cover
class LocalResolver(DatasetResolver): """ Resolves dataset locators specifying local file paths. """ priority = 100 def __call__(self, loc: str, download_dir, base: typing.Optional[pathlib.Path]) \ -> typing.Union[None, pathlib.Path]: if isinstance(loc, str) and is_url(loc): return loc = pathlib.Path(loc) if loc.resolve() != loc and base: # A relative path, to be interpreted relative to base loc = base.resolve().joinpath(loc) if loc.exists(): return loc class GenericUrlResolver(DatasetResolver): """ URL resolver which works for generic URLs provided they point to a CLDF metadata file. """ priority = -1 def __call__(self, loc, download_dir): if is_url(loc): try: return Dataset.from_metadata(loc) except: # noqa: E722 # pragma: no cover raise pass class DatasetLocator(str): @functools.cached_property def parsed_url(self) -> urllib.parse.ParseResult: return urllib.parse.urlparse(self) @property def url_without_fragment(self): return url_without_fragment(self.parsed_url) def match(self, dataset: Dataset) -> bool: if self.parsed_url.fragment: key, _, value = self.parsed_url.fragment.partition('=') return == value if value else key in return True def get_resolvers(): if not _resolvers: eps = entry_points() for ep in set( if hasattr(eps, 'select') else eps.get(EP, [])): try: _resolvers.append(ep.load()()) except ImportError: # pragma: no cover warnings.warn('ImportError loading entry point {}'.format(ep)) continue return sorted(_resolvers, key=lambda res: -res.priority) def _get_dataset(locator: DatasetLocator, location: typing.Union[None, Dataset, pathlib.Path]): if isinstance(location, Dataset): if locator.match(location): return location return if location.is_dir(): for ds in iter_datasets(location): if locator.match(ds): return ds else: ds = Dataset.from_metadata(location) if sniff(location) else Dataset.from_data(location) if locator.match(ds): return ds
[docs]def get_dataset(locator: str, download_dir: pathlib.Path, base: typing.Optional[pathlib.Path] = None) -> Dataset: """ :param locator: Dataset locator as specified in "Dataset discovery". :param download_dir: Directory to which to download remote data if necessary. :param base: Optional path relative to which local paths in `locator` must be resolved. """ locator = DatasetLocator(locator) for resolver in get_resolvers(): if isinstance(resolver, LocalResolver): # Local paths may need to be resolved relative to another path (e.g. the location of # a CLDF markdown document). res = resolver(locator.url_without_fragment, download_dir, base) else: res = resolver(locator.url_without_fragment, download_dir) if res: res = _get_dataset(locator, res) if res: return res raise ValueError('Could not resolve dataset locator {}'.format(locator))